Introducing CardLink: Turn your POS terminal into a loyalty machine!

Introducing CardLink: Turn your POS terminal into a loyalty machine!

With e-commerce businesses, both small and large, reaping the benefits of customer identification, loyalty, and AI, the pressure is on for brick-and-mortar retailers to get in on the action.

The challenge has always been identifying who’s new or already enrolled in your loyalty program. This uncertainty leads to missed opportunities to engage, retain, and reward customers. Moreover, traditional signup and redemption processes often create bottlenecks at the Point of Sale. Typically involving QR codes or requiring customers to use their phones, these traditional methods cause fritcion and frustration during the payment experience.

That’s where CardLink steps in. CardLink is a new way for retailers to keep track of who’s new to your loyalty app and who’s already registered, all from the POS terminal. It revolutionizes the way retailers interact with their customers by seamlessly integrating any loyalty app with the POS terminals, transforming both the loyalty and redemption experiences.

That said, you can now acquire more loyalty app downloads right from your POS terminal at zero cost just by the customer entering their phone number once in their lifetime on the terminal.

Keep reading to learn the ins and outs of CardLink — including how to access it and make the most out of your loyalty app.

Cardlink is a plugin that seamlessly integrates with any loyalty app and POS terminal. It enables loyalty providers and retailers to easily sign up new loyalty app users and enhance the customer experience without the need for QR codes or additional apps. Whether your customers are tapping with credit, debit, or digital wallets, they can effortlessly earn their loyalty points right on the POS terminal.

Designed for enterprise retailers and loyalty providers, it helps you monetize your loyalty app and boost conversions. With Cardlink, your POS isn’t just a transaction tool anymore—it’s a powerful customer acquisition channel.

Check more details explained by Zeal's Founder & CEO

While having a loyalty app helps build customer loyalty and engagement, integrating CardLink, will be a more effective avenue for frictionless customer accession and retention to your existing loyalty program.

With that said, opting for CardLink has plenty of perks. Here are three of them:

#1: More Customer Sign-Ups, Less Friction at Payment:

Operating a brand centered around a loyalty app often brings added pressure to constantly sign up new customers and manage rewards redemptions. It’s a familiar scene that can lead to frustration and missed opportunities, both for your customers and your business.

Now, think how smooth it could be if signing up for your loyalty program was as easy as making a payment. No need to ask if customers know about your app or if they’d like to join—CardLink handles it all in the background.

As soon as customers pay on the POS terminal, CardLink checks if they’re already enrolled in your loyalty program. If not, the process to get them on board happens seamlessly. This means no more long lines or noisy disruptions, just a smooth, quiet process that keeps everyone happy and keeps business moving.

#2: Seamless & Easy Integration

Integrating new technology often sounds like a complex task, especially when it involves crucial systems like your POS terminal and loyalty app. But what if this integration wasn't just painless—it actually improved your existing setups? That's the promise of CardLink.

CardLink's uniqueness lies in its global compatibility, it fits seamlessly without disrupting your current operations. This plug-and-play solution connects effortlessly with any loyalty app and works on any POS terminal you're already using, bringing a new level of simplicity to your tech environment.

#3: Reliable Security You Can Count On

When it comes to handling your customers’ transactions, security isn’t just a feature—it’s a necessity. That’s why CardLink is built to meet the highest standards, specifically PCI DSS.

Wondering what that means for you?

PCI DSS, or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, is a robust set of guidelines that ensure all companies accepting or processing credit card information do so in a secure environment.

With CardLink, we don’t just meet these standards; we make them part of our mission to safeguard your transactions. This deep commitment to security means every card tap is protected, giving both you and your customers the peace of mind that comes with knowing their data processing is secured.

Cardlink simplifies the loyalty integration process into three seamless steps:

Instant Recognition:

As soon as a customer performed a payment, CardLink instantly checks whether they’re already enrolled in your loyalty program or not.

Easy Signup:

If they're new, the POS terminal prompts them to enter their phone number, and then they receive an SMS to download your app and join your loyalty program.

Simplified Rewards:

On future visits, Cardlink instantly recognizes any registered customers. No more need for customers to identify themselves over and over again. This speeds up transactions and makes the whole shopping experience smoother and more satisfying for them.

How To Setup?

Terminal Customisation

Customize your POS terminals to mirror your brand’s unique style. Each customer interaction becomes an extension of your brand experience, reinforcing brand identity and loyalty.

Personalised Customer Messaging:

Engage effectively with customers through personalized messages that welcome them at the moment of signup. These messages make a lasting first impression, setting the stage for a long-term relationship.

  1. Free Consultation and Custom Setup: Our team works closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor CardLink accordingly. -Book a free demo now!
  2. Integration Without Interruption: Cardlink's integration process respects your ongoing operations, ensuring there is no disruption as it enhances your customer experience.
  3. Customer Onboarding: We support you in introducing your customers to CardLink, ensuring they understand and appreciate the new, streamlined loyalty experience.
  4. Ongoing Support and Optimisation: We continue to provide support and updates, ensuring that CardLink not only meets but exceeds your expectations.


Ready to revolutionize your in-store experience? CardLink is here to help you effortlessly sign up new loyalty app members, recognize all card-paying customers, and say goodbye to the usual Point Of Sale friction.

See it in action and book a free demo now!